- class mcstasscript.jb_interface.plot_interface.ColormapDropdown(set_colormap)¶
Class for controlling dropdown menus for colormaps
- __init__(set_colormap)¶
Controls colormap dropdown menus with given set_colormap function
Creates dropdown widget and calls the given set_colormap function when the user updates the colormap choice. The colormap choice is given as two dropdown menus, one for selecting the category of colormap, and the other to select the actual colormap.
The available colormaps are those supported in matplotlib
- Parameters
set_colormap (function) – Function called with colormap name as argument when changed
(set_colormap)Controls colormap dropdown menus with given set_colormap function
Creates the widget and sets appropriate update functions
(change)Updates the colormap with the set_colormap function in attributes
(change)Updates the colormap options in the colormap widget
- make_widget()¶
Creates the widget and sets appropriate update functions
The category dropdown will change options for the actual colormap dropdown menu through the update_cmap_options method. The colormap choice uses the update_cmap method and calls the update_function held in attributes.
- update_cmap(change)¶
Updates the colormap with the set_colormap function in attributes
- update_cmap_options(change)¶
Updates the colormap options in the colormap widget