Instrument object

This section shows the majority of the features implemented for the instrument object in McStasScript.


An instrument object is created with the McStas_instr or McXtrace_instr class. When an instrument object is created the only required argument is the name of the instrument which will be used for the instrument filename. There are however a number of keyword arguments that can be used to provide more information and alter the behavior.

Keyword argument






“Python Instrument Generator”

Name that will appear as author in instrument files




String that will appear as origin in instrument files




Folder which is considered workspace for McStas / McXtrace




Name of data folder written by simulation



Can be set to manually specify location of McStas/McXtrace installation



Can be set to manually specify location of mcrun/mxrun executable


int, float


Sets the ncount used for simulations



Sets the number of MPI threads used for simulations




Whether to force compilation before each run or not



Set of parameters for initialized instrument

import mcstasscript as ms
instrument = ms.McStas_instr("instr_name", author="Mads Bertelsen", origin="DMSC")
instrument_w_settings = ms.McStas_instr("instr_name", ncount=3E6, output_path="new_folder")

Using settings method

The instrument object has a setting method which can update some settings after initialization. The current settings can always be viewed with show_settings.

Keyword argument







Name of data folder written by simulation



Can be set to manually specify location of McStas/McXtrace installation



Can be set to manually specify location of mcrun/mxrun executable


int, float


Sets the ncount used for simulations



Sets the number of MPI threads used for simulations


Sets the seed of the simulation




Whether to force compilation before each run or not



String with custom flags for mcrun/mxrun command

Instrument settings:
  output_path:      instr_name_data
  run_path:         .
  package_path:     /Applications/
  executable_path:  /Applications/
  executable:       mcrun
  force_compile:    True
Instrument settings:
  ncount:           3.00e+06
  output_path:      new_folder
  run_path:         .
  package_path:     /Applications/
  executable_path:  /Applications/
  executable:       mcrun
  force_compile:    True
instrument.settings(mpi=4, seed=300)
Instrument settings:
  mpi:              4
  seed:             300
  output_path:      instr_name_data
  run_path:         .
  package_path:     /Applications/
  executable_path:  /Applications/
  executable:       mcrun
  force_compile:    True


Instrument parameters can be added with add_parameters which returns a parameter object.

wavelength = instrument.add_parameter("wavelength", comment="Wavelength in AA")
wavelength.value = 5
Parameter named: 'wavelength' without set value.
 Wavelength in AA

Parameter named: 'wavelength' with value: 5
 Wavelength in AA

Searching for components and data

McStas have a few keywords for adjusting where to search for data and components. This is typically added right after the parameters, so its natural to include it here in the documentation of the instrument object.


The DEPENDENCY keyword allows McStas to search for data and software at runtime. There is just one dependency line for an instrument.


As the instrument won’t run unless the dependency is set to a valid path, let’s reset it.


Initialize section

One of the great advantages for the McStas / McXtrace packages is the initialize section of the instrument where calculations can be performed before the ray-tracing simulation starts. One could for example calculate appropriate angles to reach a certain Bragg peak at a given wavelength. This would involve defining some declare variables, using these in the initialize section and then assigning them as component inputs.

In McStasScript many calculations can be performed directly in Python, and so typically the initialize section is used less, but it is still useful and available through McStasScript.

The instrument object has the method append_initialize which adds a line of code to the initialize. This line is copied directly into the instrument file, so it follows C syntax. Remember the semicolon! In addition there is add_declare_var to specify the declared variables needed. When declare variables are defined an object is returned which can be used when referring to that variable.

wavenumber = instrument.add_declare_var("double", "wavenumber")
instrument.append_initialize("wavenumber = 2*PI/wavelength;")
// Start of initialize for generated instr_name
wavenumber = 2*PI/wavelength;

Finally section

The finally section works exactly as the initialize section, but is executed after the ray-tracing simulation. Add a line to it with append_finally.

instrument.append_finally('printf(\"Thanks for using McStasScript!\\n\");')
// Start of finally for generated instr_name
printf("Thanks for using McStasScript!\n");

Help features

There are a few methods built into the instrument class that helps the user, these are:

  • available_components

  • component_help


The available_components method shows the component categories, and if called with the name of a category, will show all available components in the specified category. The categories can include the work directory if any components are located there.

Here are the available component categories:
Call available_components(category_name) to display
Here are all components in the optics category.
 Absorber                 Guide_gravity          Pol_bender
 Arm                      Guide_simple           Pol_constBfield
 Beamstop                 Guide_tapering         Pol_guide_mirror
 Bender                   Guide_wavy             Pol_guide_vmirror
 Collimator_linear        He3_cell               Pol_mirror
 Collimator_radial        Mask                   Refractor
 Derotator                Mirror                 Rotator
 Diaphragm                Monochromator_curved   Selector
 DiskChopper              Monochromator_flat     Set_pol
 Elliptic_guide_gravity   Monochromator_pol      Slit
 FermiChopper             PolAnalyser_ideal      V_selector
 Filter_gen               Pol_Bfield             Virtual_mcnp_ss_Guide
 Guide                    Pol_Bfield_stop        Vitess_ChopperFermi
 Guide_anyshape           Pol_FieldBox           
 Guide_channeled          Pol_SF_ideal           


The component_help method can show the parameters of any component the instrument object knows about, although not necessarily used in the instrument.

 ___ Help Guide _____________________________________________________________________
|optional parameter|required parameter|default value|user specified value|
reflect = 0 [str] // Reflectivity file name. Format <q(Angs-1) R(0-1)>
w1 [m] // Width at the guide entry
h1 [m] // Height at the guide entry
w2 = 0.0 [m] // Width at the guide exit
h2 = 0.0 [m] // Height at the guide exit
l [m] // length of guide
R0 = 0.99 [1] // Low-angle reflectivity
Qc = 0.0219 [AA-1] // Critical scattering vector
alpha = 6.07 [AA] // Slope of reflectivity
m = 2.0 [1] // m-value of material. Zero means completely absorbing. glass/SiO2 
               Si Ni Ni58 supermirror Be Diamond m=  0.65 0.47 1 1.18 2-6 1.01 1.12 
W = 0.003 [AA-1] // Width of supermirror cut-off

Adding components

One adds components to the instrument using add_component which takes the name of the component instance for the instrument, followed by the name of the component in the library. When adding a component, a component object is returned, and how these can be manipulated is discussed on the component object page. Notice that it is not allowed to add two components with the same instance name, meaning rerunning this cell would raise an exception.

source = instrument.add_component("source", "Source_div")
source.set_parameters(xwidth=0.1, yheight=0.1, focus_aw=3.0, focus_ah=2.0, 
                      lambda0=wavelength, dlambda="0.1*wavelength")
COMPONENT source = Source_div(
  xwidth = 0.1, // [m]
  yheight = 0.1, // [m]
  focus_aw = 3.0, // [deg]
  focus_ah = 2.0, // [deg]
  lambda0 = wavelength, // [Ang]
  dlambda = 0.1*wavelength // [Ang]
AT (0, 0, 0) ABSOLUTE
source Source_div AT (0, 0, 0) ABSOLUTE

There are a number of keyword arguments allowed when adding a component. These will mainly be discussed on the component object page, but a few are relevant for the instrument, because they handle in what order components are sequenced in the instrument. To illustrate this we add a slit and a guide to the instrument at reasonable positions. Notice these new components are added at the end of the instrument.

slit = instrument.add_component("source_slit", "Slit", AT=2, RELATIVE=source)
slit.set_parameters(xwidth=0.015, yheight=0.015)

guide = instrument.add_component("guide", "Guide", AT=0.1, RELATIVE=slit)
guide.set_parameters(w1=0.03, h1=0.03, l=10.0)
source      Source_div AT      (0, 0, 0)   ABSOLUTE            
source_slit Slit       AT      (0, 0, 2)   RELATIVE source     
guide       Guide      AT      (0, 0, 0.1) RELATIVE source_slit

The order of components is important in a McStas/McXtrace simulation as each will affect the ray state in the sequence shown with print_components. If one wants to add a component between the source and the slit, this can be done with the before or after keyword.

monitor = instrument.add_component("PSD", "PSD_monitor", after="source")
monitor.set_AT(1.9, RELATIVE=source)
monitor.set_parameters(xwidth=0.1, yheight=0.1, filename='"PSD.dat"')

source      Source_div  AT      (0, 0, 0)   ABSOLUTE            
PSD         PSD_monitor AT      (0, 0, 1.9) RELATIVE source     
source_slit Slit        AT      (0, 0, 2)   RELATIVE source     
guide       Guide       AT      (0, 0, 0.1) RELATIVE source_slit

The PSD monitor was inserted after the source, this could also be accomplished with the before keyword argument.


It is important to note that the McStas instrument file is read sequentially, so the position of the PSD monitor can not be relative to a later component, but must only refer to earlier components. At this point in development it is not possible to reorder components in the instrument object.

Moving a component

It is also possible to move a component in the component sequence of the instrument. Lets add a Lmonitor at the end at move it to the PSD. The move_component command takes a name or component object to be moved, and then the same before and after keywords as add_component.

Lmon = instrument.add_component("Lmon", "L_monitor", RELATIVE="guide")
source      Source_div  AT      (0, 0, 0)   ABSOLUTE            
PSD         PSD_monitor AT      (0, 0, 1.9) RELATIVE source     
source_slit Slit        AT      (0, 0, 2)   RELATIVE source     
guide       Guide       AT      (0, 0, 0.1) RELATIVE source_slit
Lmon        L_monitor   AT      (0, 0, 0)   RELATIVE guide      
instrument.move_component(Lmon, after=source)
Moving the component 'Lmon' introduced errors in the instrument, run check_for_errors() for more information.
source      Source_div  AT      (0, 0, 0)   ABSOLUTE            
Lmon        L_monitor   AT      (0, 0, 0)   RELATIVE guide      
PSD         PSD_monitor AT      (0, 0, 1.9) RELATIVE source     
source_slit Slit        AT      (0, 0, 2)   RELATIVE source     
guide       Guide       AT      (0, 0, 0.1) RELATIVE source_slit

It is easy to introduce a mistake in an instrument by moving a component, as components uses each other as references for position and rotation. In the above example the Lmon was placed relative to the guide component, and thus McStasScript warns that an error was introduced when the component was moved, as guide has not been defined at the new position of Lmon. The method check_for_errors can be called for further information, here in a try block to catch the exception.

except Exception as e:
Component 'Lmon' referenced unknown component named 'guide'.
This check can be skipped with settings(checks=False)

Removing a component

Components can be removed with the remove_component method. The input can be either a component name or a component object.

source      Source_div  AT      (0, 0, 0)   ABSOLUTE            
PSD         PSD_monitor AT      (0, 0, 1.9) RELATIVE source     
source_slit Slit        AT      (0, 0, 2)   RELATIVE source     
guide       Guide       AT      (0, 0, 0.1) RELATIVE source_slit

Making a component copy

It is possible to copy an existing component using the copy_component method. This can reduce both the amount of typing necessary, but also the risk of making a mistake. Here the guide is copied and placed a bit after the end of the first guide, with a small rotation.

guide2 = instrument.copy_component("guide_2", "guide")
guide2.set_AT(guide.l + 0.01, RELATIVE=guide)
guide2.set_ROTATED([0, 0.5, 0], RELATIVE=guide)
COMPONENT guide_2 = Guide(
  w1 = 0.03, // [m]
  h1 = 0.03, // [m]
  l = 10.0 // [m]
AT (0, 0, 10.01) RELATIVE guide
ROTATED (0, 0.5, 0) RELATIVE guide

Getting components

It is always possible to retrieve the component objects corresponding to components in the instrument with the get_component and get_last_component methods.

my_source = instrument.get_component("source")
COMPONENT source = Source_div(
  xwidth = 0.1, // [m]
  yheight = 0.1, // [m]
  focus_aw = 3.0, // [deg]
  focus_ah = 2.0, // [deg]
  lambda0 = wavelength, // [Ang]
  dlambda = 0.1*wavelength // [Ang]
AT (0, 0, 0) ABSOLUTE
last_component = instrument.get_last_component()
COMPONENT guide_2 = Guide(
  w1 = 0.03, // [m]
  h1 = 0.03, // [m]
  l = 10.0 // [m]
AT (0, 0, 10.01) RELATIVE guide
ROTATED (0, 0.5, 0) RELATIVE guide

Instrument diagram

McStasScript can generate a diagram of an instrument file to aid the user in understanding its content. Use the show_diagram method to display the figure. The legend shows how the different component categories are represented with different colors, and how AT and ROTATED is represented with arrows. The rest of the figure is the actual diagram of this instrument, showing the sequence of components.

If in a notebook and using the %matplotlib widget backend, hovering the mouse over the left side of the boxes show further information on the individual components.

The diagram will also show use of the keywords EXTEND, WHEN, JUMP and GROUP, as well as connections between Union components, though none of these are present in this diagram.

../_images/instrument_object_50_0.png ../_images/instrument_object_50_1.png

Run the simulation

The simulation is executed with a call to the backengine method, which will return the generated data. If the simulation fails, the method returns None. McStasScript does check for some common mistakes before attempting to run the McStas simulation, if any problem is found a useful error message will be shown.

data = instrument.backengine()
INFO: Using directory: "/Users/madsbertelsen/PaNOSC/McStasScript/github/McStasScript/docs/source/user_guide/instr_name_data_27"
INFO: Regenerating c-file: instr_name.c
INFO: Recompiling: ./instr_name.out
mccode-r.c:1880:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value in all control paths [-Wreturn-type]
} /* mcsiminfo_init */
mccode-r.c:2837:3: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value]
2 warnings generated.
INFO: ===
Simulation 'instr_name' (instr_name.instr): running on 4 nodes (master is 'CI0021617', MPI version 3.1).
Detector: PSD_I=0.114429 PSD_ERR=0.000144614 PSD_N=626113 "PSD.dat"
Thanks for using McStasScript!
Thanks for using McStasScript!
Thanks for using McStasScript!
Thanks for using McStasScript!
INFO: Placing instr file copy instr_name.instr in dataset /Users/madsbertelsen/PaNOSC/McStasScript/github/McStasScript/docs/source/user_guide/instr_name_data_27
loading system configuration
McStasData: PSD type: 2D  I:0.114429 E:0.000144614 N:626113.0]

Visualizing the instrument

It is possible to visualize the instrument using the visualization features in McStas / McXtrace. This is done using the show_instrument method that show the instrument with the currently set parameters. The method takes a format keyword, of which there are two allowed:




3D view in notebook or browser tab



2D view in window

The default format webgl behaves differently whether in a notebook or from a script. In a notebook, the output will be shown directly in the cell as shown in the example below, but in a script it will open a new browser tab. If a new browser tab is desired even when running from a notebook, set the keyword argument new_tab to True.

When using the 3D view in webgl, use these controls to manipulate the view:


Effect on view

Hold left click and drag


Hold right click and drag


Hold mouse wheel and drag up/down

Zoom in/out


The window format is a 2D view which is opened in a new window, and may not always work if one use McStasScript through the cloud or a docker container. It is better suited for getting measurements and ensuring the geometry is exactly as desired.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 15, in <module>
    from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyqtgraph'

Showing instrument file

McStasScript writes the instrument file for McStas in the process of running or visualizing the instrument. The file can be shown with the show_instrument_file method.

1  | /********************************************************************************
2  | * 
3  | * McStas, neutron ray-tracing package
4  | *         Copyright (C) 1997-2008, All rights reserved
5  | *         Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark
6  | *         Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France
7  | * 
8  | * This file was written by McStasScript, which is a 
9  | * python based McStas instrument generator written by 
10 | * Mads Bertelsen in 2019 while employed at the 
11 | * European Spallation Source Data Management and 
12 | * Software Centre
13 | * 
14 | * Instrument instr_name
15 | * 
16 | * %Identification
17 | * Written by: Mads Bertelsen
18 | * Date: 15:09:36 on April 25, 2023
19 | * Origin: DMSC
20 | * %INSTRUMENT_SITE: Generated_instruments
21 | * 
22 | * 
23 | * %Parameters
24 | * 
25 | * %End 
26 | ********************************************************************************/
27 | 
28 | DEFINE INSTRUMENT instr_name (
29 | wavelength = 5 // Wavelength in AA
30 | )
31 | 
33 | %{
34 | double wavenumber;
35 | %}
36 | 
38 | %{
39 | // Start of initialize for generated instr_name
40 | wavenumber = 2*PI/wavelength;
41 | %}
42 | 
43 | TRACE 
44 | COMPONENT source = Source_div(
45 |  xwidth = 0.1, yheight = 0.1,
46 |  focus_aw = 3, focus_ah = 2,
47 |  lambda0 = wavelength, dlambda = 0.1*wavelength)
48 | AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE
49 | 
50 | COMPONENT PSD = PSD_monitor(
51 |  filename = "PSD.dat", xwidth = 0.1,
52 |  yheight = 0.1)
53 | AT (0,0,1.9) RELATIVE source
54 | 
55 | COMPONENT source_slit = Slit(
56 |  xwidth = 0.015, yheight = 0.015)
57 | AT (0,0,2) RELATIVE source
58 | 
59 | COMPONENT guide = Guide(
60 |  w1 = 0.03, h1 = 0.03,
61 |  l = 10)
62 | AT (0,0,0.1) RELATIVE source_slit
63 | 
64 | COMPONENT guide_2 = Guide(
65 |  w1 = 0.03, h1 = 0.03,
66 |  l = 10)
67 | AT (0,0,10.01) RELATIVE guide
68 | ROTATED (0,0.5,0) RELATIVE guide
69 | 
71 | %{
72 | // Start of finally for generated instr_name
73 | printf("Thanks for using McStasScript!\n");
74 | %}
75 | 
76 | END
77 | 

Dump and load an instrument object

It is possible to save an instrument object to disk and load it later.


To load an instrument object from a file, use the from_dump method that takes the filename.

loaded_instrument = ms.McStas_instr.from_dump("dump_file_name.dmp")
source      Source_div  AT      (0, 0, 0)     ABSOLUTE            
PSD         PSD_monitor AT      (0, 0, 1.9)   RELATIVE source     
source_slit Slit        AT      (0, 0, 2)     RELATIVE source     
guide       Guide       AT      (0, 0, 0.1)   RELATIVE source_slit
guide_2     Guide       AT      (0, 0, 10.01) RELATIVE guide       
                        ROTATED (0, 0.5, 0)   RELATIVE guide
Instrument settings:
  mpi:              4
  seed:             300
  output_path:      instr_name_data
  run_path:         .
  package_path:     /Applications/
  executable_path:  /Applications/
  executable:       mcrun
  force_compile:    True